Country Mamas With Kids does review books of all types and for all ages!
As a confirmed book worm myself I read, enjoy, and review all types of books. But let's be honest y'all not all books are for younger eyes!
Disclaimer: Though my husband and I read and review these books and may even enjoy or endorse them this does NOT mean they are necessarily appropriate for all readers.
Parental discretion is ALWAYS advised!
What would the world be like without Dragons, Knights, Magicians, Giant Barbarians (like my hubby) and Hero's? Well pretty boring really. So here are the reviews for all the exiting fantasy books!
Walking down a dilapidated hallway on the way to a basement or cave to discover what may be waiting at the bottom for you is very scary indeed. In these reviews, we cover books that explore the mysterious and terrifying.
Ships, Castles, Mansions, as well as buff, alpha, dominant, smart, super natural and powerful love interests.
Come on now...what more can a country mama wish for?
What would life be like if rouge military forces, criminal empires, conspiracies, wars, and all manner of extraordinary things came into our lives in recent past or today? How would this change our world? Well read these book reviews and find out more about books about what life could be like if we were touched by extraordinary events.
I got it all figured out....said no one ever for more than 2 weeks... We all need other perspectives, experiences, and techniques to stay well with all life throws at us! Come and see these reviews for books written to help you be your own healer!
Science Fiction Imagines a future where technology and the passage of time has changed our lives, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worse, and sometimes its pretty much the same as now but in space... Check out our Science Fiction book reviews to see what tomorrow may bring!
These are books that are published for young readers. While we here at country mamas with kids advise all parents and guardians to read ANY book before deciding whether or not to share it with your little ones or to allow them to read it on their own. Here are some of the books we feel comfortable sharing with our own children that are published for kids and young readers.
These are books that for older readers. We advise any parents or guardians to read the books before deciding to share it with your tweens/teens or older kids. We feel comfortable that these are for older children or adults, due to the material involved in these books.
If you like pictures in books you will love these!
For fans of true stories about criminals and serial killers, murderers in real life!
Everything Else topic wise that isn't above in the other categories and is about the real world!
The things that go bump in the night, the books that grab your attention when you want to read a scary story! The scary and gruesome stories can be found there, so take Heade these are not for kids!!
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